Linespot Flasher Wrasse


The Linespot Flasher Wrasse is also known as the Dot Dash or Spot Lined Flasher Wrasse, and is one of the most peaceful members of all the Flasher Wrasse. This gorgeous fish is an active show-stopper and makes a perfect addition to your peaceful community reef aquarium.

The color of the female is subdued when comparing it to the brilliance of the male. The male during courting will change colors very rapidly, giving it its common name. Colors may vary depending on the fish's mood, but most adult male Linespot Flasher Wrasse are vivid red in color, with a yellow dorsal fin base color with red filaments, and subtle blue running along the length where the dorsal fin meets the body. These fish are unique in having 4 or 8 red/orange filaments off of the dorsal fin, which can change coloration to white or yellow during their courting display.

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