Bluehead Fairy Wrasse


Also known as the Purplehead Parrot Wrasse or Orange Flanked Fairy Wrasse along with a few other monikers, the Bluehead Fairy Wrasse is an affordably priced species of Cirrhilabrus that gives you plenty of bang for the buck. This multi-colored wrasse is not only reef-safe, but also very hardy and peaceful towards other tankmates. There is some confusion and discussion as to whether the Bluehead Fairy Wrasse is the same species of wrasse as the Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse. It is possible these are the same species of wrasse, whereas the region, or locale they are collected from causes a color variant within the species. With that said, please understand the wrasse you order may not look exactly like the wrasse pictured. Habitat, age and mood all factor into the coloring of many wrasse species while their color also changes throughout their life.

When mixed and added simultaneously to the aquarium, the Bluehead Fairy Wrasse will coexist with other Cirrhilabrus species. These are ideal fish for the larger reef aquarium. Like all wrasse species, they are considered jumpers so be sure to have a tight fitting top or lid for our aquarium.

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