Purple Tang


The Purple Tang is commonly referred as the Yellowtail Sailfin Tang, Yellowtail Surgeonfish, and the Blue Surgeonfish. It has purple colored body with yellow tail and yellow accents on the pectoral fins, which is mainly found in the Red Sea. With its vivid coloration pattern, the Red Sea Purple Tang makes a captivating fish in the tank. Make sure to provide good lighting, lots of free-swimming space and plenty of potential hiding spots. The Red Sea Purple Tang can be very aggressive and do not get well with other tangs of the genus Zebrasoma. It feeds on meaty foods, and is important to offer them plenty of marine-based seaweed and algae. The Red Sea Purple Tang should be fed at least three times per week with dried seaweed tied to a rock. Since it does not bother any tank inhabitants, it is considered reef compatible fish. The Red Sea Purple Tang thrives well in a temperature range of 72-78 degree Fahrenheit and pH of 8.1-8.4. It requires at least a 100 gallon aquarium as it needs an area to swim. Since the Red Sea Purple Tang does not bother any tank inhabitants, it is considered a reef safe fish.

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